Windows & Linux, Sometimes you have to put some effort in to your computing.

So you’ve decided that you don’t want to support Microsoft (although you’re happy to support whatever company MADE your computer… go figure!) and want to ditch Windows.

As a general rule, Linux assumes that you are willing to document yourself: the more you do, the more freedom and benefits you will have. Of course Linux Is Not Windows, even if there are a few so-called “friendly” distributions nowadays, which attempt to turn Linux into some kind of Windows-like operating system. Don’t assume, as many people unfortunately do, that Linux should behave like such distributions: unless you are willing to read some documentation, manual pages and other related stuff, in order to learn how your system works, you will be in stuck in “spoon-feeding” mode, and feel uncomfortable with your new system.

Philip Lacroix In this thread:

Also take a read of: Linux Is Not Windows

DO NOT expect to be able to play the latest games on a Linux machine.
DO NOT expect to be able to download applications like “Skype” with a single click.
DO NOT expect support for any strange hardware or USB device you have. If you’ve a USB missile launcher webcam that comes with a Windows targeting screen don’t expect THAT to work.

The bottom line is that (for most practical purposes) there is ONE “Windows”. Microsoft have programming guidelines that if programmers stick to them pretty much ensure that regardless of hardware a program will just plain work.

Linux has many different “distributions”, consider these to be different versions, sometimes radically different versions. For example CentOS is based around being a solid, reliable SERVER grade version. MINT will support newer hardware and graphics cards but at the expense of using the latest versions of drivers, so may be less solid.

So if you want to be able to download and install stuff with a few clicks then stay with Windows.

However if you’re willing to put some effort in to your computing you’ll find Linux makes computing an interactive adventure. Who knows, you might enjoy the tinkering that’s involved trying to make things work.

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